
uEngage Onboards UrbanPiper Enabled Restaurants On ONDC

, 21-May-2024

Founder of uEngage, Mr. Sameer Sharma, and Head of Business of UrbanPiper, Mr. Ashish Saxena, are delighted to announce the most prominent collaboration of the present time, uEngage x UrbanPiper. This partnership is all set to mark its path together to encourage restaurants enabled with UrbanPiper to sell their products and services directly on ONDC (Open Network for Digital Commerce).

uEngage, the Best ONDC Seller App started onboarding restaurants enabled with an established Saas platform for restaurants and food businesses, UrbanPiper, on ONDC. The restaurants can now easily onboard to ONDC through uEngage and take full advantage of its vast customer base to broaden their reach and maximize their sales. This move will result in a transparent and effective e-commerce ecosystem that is favorable to all the players integrated with UrbanPiper. Moreover, it will also allow these merchants to streamline their operations and reduce costs.

Learn how uEngage can benefit UrbanPiper-enabled restaurants in making their strong process on ONDC:

Quick Onboarding and Increased Sales 

The partnership between uEngage and UrbanPiper will allow restaurants to quickly and seamlessly onboard to ONDC. This cuts down on the time and effort required to start selling on the platform. With this quick and seamless onboarding process, restaurants may quickly establish their presence on ONDC and start selling their products and services to a bigger customer base. This enhanced reach will allow restaurants to boost their sales and thrive in the cutthroat world of digital commerce.

Complete Ownership of Customer Data

Ownership of customer data and the lowest commissions have always been the biggest benefits offered to restaurants enabled with the Best ONDC Seller App, uEngage. Now by joining forces with UrbanPiper, the scope of benefits also stretches for restaurants enabled with UrbanPiper. Through this partnership, uEngage Starts Onboarding UrbanPiper Enabled Restaurants On ONDC. Additionally, uEngage offers the lowest seller app side commissions to ensure that the restaurants gain the maximum benefit from this collaboration. This will ultimately enable restaurants to increase their revenue capacities.

Maximum Operational Efficiency

The alliance aims to maximize the efficiency of restaurants by using the technical expertise of both uEngage and UrbanPiper. uEngage, with its SaaS tech platform, provides innovative tools and features tailored to the specific needs of restaurants. These features include Controlled Dashboard, Logistics Management, Customer Data Management, Order Management,  Real-Time Analytics, and many more. It allows restaurants to receive benefit from enhanced operational efficiency  by integrating these advanced features with UrbanPiper’s platform

Reduced Costs

One of the important ideas of this collaboration b/w uEngage and UrbanPiper is to reduce costs for restaurants. This is thought to be done in multiple ways but the prime focus is emphasized on reducing commissions. Famous online food delivery platforms eat maximum restaurants’ profits by charging them high commissions to enable orders through their platforms. On the other side, uEngage is committed to reducing these costs and enabling restaurants to retain a larger portion of their revenue. The Best ONDC Seller App, uEngage welcomes all the restaurants enabled with UrbanPiper to make their presence on ONDC along with its lowest commissions. 


With the blend of breakthrough technology products of uEngage and new-age POS integration solutions of UrbanPiper, this alliance will open a new chapter for all the merchants eager to onboard to ONDC and make their independent presence across the e-commerce ecosystem. So, enable your restaurant on ONDC with uEngage and leverage this open network to its full potential.

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